American badgers have little natural predators other than humans. The numbers of these animals has declined due to persecution by farmers and the extermination of many of their fo in badger areas. In May 2000, the Canadian Species At Risk Act listed both the American Badger jacksoni subspecies (Taxidea taxus jacksoni) and the jeffersonii subspecies (Taxidea taxus jeffersonii) as an endangered species in BC.
The California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) announced the American badger as a Species of Special Concern.
They are organizing a full recovery plan for 5 years until the badger population increases by 400 adults. Badgers are shot, poisoned, killed for fur, and are listed as pests for many farmers and the local population.
The recovery plan includes:
Helping landowners and farmers gain better appreciation for badgers and the ecological role they play in the ecosystem.